The statutory requirements for all childcare settings registered on the Ofsted Childcare Register were formerly set out in Annex C of the Early Years and Childcare Registration Handbook, however this Handbook has now been withdrawn and replaced with the information in various locations on the .GOV.UK website. This can be hard to find and a little confusing to use as it also includes requirements for childminders which often differ slightly from those for 'childcare on non-domestic premises', such as out of school club settings.
To make things easier for our members, we have extracted all the statutory requirements that are relevant to out of school clubs and reformatted them to form an easy-to-use Quick Reference Guide for Out of School Clubs.
To simplify the requirements we have removed any that are irrelevant to our sector, such as any that only apply to childminders or to 'childcare on domestic premises'. We have also made it clear which requirements apply to the Compulsory part of the Childcare Register, which apply to the Voluntary part, and which apply to both parts. Each requirement is cross-referenced to the appropriate paragraph in the online guidance.
Members of the Out of School Alliance can download the Quick Reference Guide for free.
To download the Quick Reference Guide, please log in.
If you are not yet a member of the Out of School Alliance you can join today and start enjoying the benefits of membership (such as downloading the Quick Reference Guide) right away.
More information
Registration requirements for childminders and childcare providers (GOV.UK)
Online replacement for whole of Early Years and Childcare Registration Handbook (GOV.UK)