Decide on your business structure

What business structure will work best for your out of school club? You need to think about how much personal risk you are prepared to take, what sort of funding you might need, how much paperwork you can tolerate, and your long-term objectives for the club.

There are many differnet options for business structures including:

  • Sole Trader
  • Limited Company (by Guarantee or Shares)
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  • Registered Charity
  • Community Interest Company (CIC)
  • Charitable Incorportated Organisation (CIO)
  • Social Enterprise

Jodie Seddon, our legal expert, has created a 'Common Legal Structures' factsheet for all out of school and wraparound businesses. Jodie offers OOSA members a free 30 minute consultation and reduced rate legal services. Members please log in to access how to contact Jodie. 

For more detail on business structure and how to choose the right one for your new venture, our Legal Pack has been curated with our resident lawyer to make getting it right from the start that bit easier.

It includes:

  • An in depth factsheet about business structures and how to choose the right one
  • An advice sheet on how to protect your business from takeover

as well as...

  • A standard terms and conditions of booking covering the main commercial points of refunds, booking terms, data protection and termination of service. This sits alongside your registration form and replaces any other contract between parents and setting
  • A registration or enrolment form
  • A statement of employment particulars meeting your obligations for day one. This is not a detailed contract of employment and you may consider having a bespoke contract drafted for your particular circumstances

Get your business protected from the start with our Legal Pack today.


As part of this pack our resident lawyer Jodie Seddon from Aria Grace Law CIC created a factsheet all about the different types of business structure and how to pick the right one. It's included in the Legal Pack but you can purchase at non members price here

The advice sheet about how to protect your business from take-over is also available to purchase separately. Available to non members here 


**To access members only price, please log in using the link at the top of the page.**

If you have not yet joined the Out of School Alliance, you can sign-up today and start enjoying the benefits of membership (such as reading this newsletter) right away.