Welcome to the February 2025 Newsletter from Out of School Alliance
- OUT OF SCHOOL ALLIANCE UPDATE: Despite January being the longest month in the whole year, it’s flown by
- OOSA NEWS: Rebekah’s Facebook live chats
- SECTOR NEWS: Illegal casinos are using Roblox to draw children into online gambling
- DFE NEWS & OFSTED NEWS: All this months news from the DFE & Ofsted
- FROM ABBY'S DESK: Bereavement Policy and Supporting Parents Undergoing Treatment
- FACT OR FICTION: You are allowed to do an online search of your potential candidates as part of your recruitment process?
- EVENTS NEWS: The 22nd National Playwork Conference & National Careers Week 3rd - 8th March
- TWO THINGS TO DO RIGHT NOW: Create a handover document for your club & Start Financial Planning: Be Prepared for NMLW and eNIC Changes
- ACTIVITIES & CALENDARS: A snappy new activity
To read the contents of the newsletter you need to be a member. Please log in using the link at the top of the page.
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